Sweet baby D.

It been a pleasure to take photos of sweet baby girl D. She was 7 weeks old and wide awake. At time, i was sure she was trying to have a conversation with me. Maybe something along the lines of "why are you wrapping me up in those blanket of yours, i like my hands to be free." She slept a little and held on tight to her nookie. Previews to come soon.

Ladies leisure night

Yes... I am a woman. I love being a photographer. What i wasn't sure about is all the networking. And Yes i conquered my fears of being in a large group of people. I decorated my table with a basket and some beanies that i use in my photography. I gave out quite a few cards and made a few vendor contacts. So what does it mean for NMA Photography... Love doing it and will do it again!

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About Me

I'm Natalie. My true passion is photography and dress design. Since i can remember i have wanted to produce still images that conveyed emotions and beauty.
